Monday, December 29, 2008

Tribute to wonders... Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger was a great actor and should be remembered for his wonderful movies. I know he died a while ago, but I never realized the briliance of this man until last night. Where after watching The Dark Knight-Batman I ended up crying myself to sleep. There will be no other actor who can do waht he has done with television. Heath Ledger was not just some random hot actor, he was an artist. It took me over two months to figure out he was Jacob in the Brother's Grimm. He can be any person he wants to be on screen and anywhere else. It is a God awful shame we had to lose such beauty as him. God bless his soul, and forever live the rememberance of Heath Ledger.
Heath Ledger Movies:
The Dark Knight
I'm not There
Brokeback Mountain
The Brothers Grimm
Lords of Dogtown
The Patriot
Monster's Ball
... and over twenty more
Tears will forever be shed for Heath Ledger


rose dawson said...

I agree with you mimi it was a shame to lose him, he was such a great and talented artist in addition to him leaving a small daughter and beautiful wife behind

ChimeraConception said...

ditto rose, i never really paid much attention to how much it takes for people to act. to make youself just like the character is a curse and a blessing, but it makes me want to act that much more....wait, uhm, is that a bad things?